Rick Preston
Sturm Insurance

Frankfort, KY 346 Votes
Sturm Insurance agent, Rick Preston, is pictured walking the goats and sheep from their daytime pasture to their nighttime resting place. Rick has been volunteering on the weekends at Good Acres Sanctuaries for two years.
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Sturm Insurance agent, Rick Preston, is pictured walking the goats and sheep from their daytime pasture to their nighttime resting place. Rick has been volunteering on the weekends at Good Acres Sanctuaries for two years. He gives wherever there is need, both working odd jobs and supporting the sanctuary financially.

Each animal you meet at the sanctuary have a story. Kevin, the goat to the back left, has a prosthetic leg due to a neglect when he was left in the cold and found frozen to the ground. But with help from Good Acres Sanctuaries, Kevin is living out his days in comfort.

Many of the staff at Sturm Insurance volunteer at the open barn public events, showing the public to all of the animal stations. The farm currently has seven horses, two cows, five lambs, two donkeys, two goats, three pigs, three chickens, three dogs and six cats.  Animals and people both agree that life is good at Good Acres Sanctuaries!

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Glenna Bailey
4 years ago

Good luck Rick!

4 years ago

Rick is a top notch fellow. He loves animals, but he also takes excellent care of his insurance customers. Good Acres is also a wonderful place for animals in need of extra love. The love you give them comes back to you exponentially.

4 years ago

Rick has a good heart!

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