Make More Happen program overview

Bringing smiles to young faces 1

This is our largest donation program awarding independent agents who demonstrate extraordinary volunteerism with a nonprofit in their community. More than a donation program, the Make More Happen Awards are about raising awareness for causes our agent partners care about and showing how your agency works to make your community better.

Once selected for an award, Make More Happen winners:

  • Work with the Agent Giving team to promote your agency’s giving and the nonprofit cause.
  • Work with a PR team to get local media to cover the story and how the community can help.
  • Get a customized toolkit to create an awareness campaign about your volunteerism and learn about cause marketing.
  • Winners that reach the $10,000 goal will receive additional PR services and benefits of being part of the Agent Giving family!

Please carefully review the information below before submitting your application.

Is my agency eligible?

The Make More Happen Awards are available to independent agents who are appointed to sell Liberty Mutual Small Commercial Insurance and/or Safeco Insurance products. 2022 Make More Happen Award winners are not eligible for an award in 2023.

From our research with the Big “I”, we know that agents support a wide variety of causes and nonprofits. However, guidelines for Make More Happen Award donations restrict the kinds of nonprofits supported by the program. Please review the below sections for the types of causes and populations we support to ensure that the nonprofit you want to nominate is eligible for a Make More Happen Award donation.

If your agency or nonprofit are not eligible, we have created resources on giving back and promoting a cause you support that are available to any agency. Please visit the IA Community Giving Guide and our Agent Giving blog for the latest.

Eligible nonprofits

The donations for the Make More Happen Awards are restricted to nonprofit organizations that have received official recognition of their 501(c)3 status from the Internal Revenue Service, are “public charities” for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, and do not discriminate in regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, skin color, nation origin, religion or presence of disability.

Focus areas

A majority of awards go to agencies who support the following cause areas; however, we do accept applications for other types of nonprofits, if they meet basic eligibility requirements above.

Program information


Priority goes to curriculum-based, non-school-affiliated educational programs that encourage disadvantaged youth to excel. While we support education at all levels, individual schools, charter schools, academies or PTAs are not eligible.

Health & safety

Organizations that are committed to improving the quality of life and safety in the community, or to eliminating or controlling hazards in the home and on the highways, although hospitals are not eligible.

Civic engagement

Support for arts and cultural programs and community and economic development initiatives.

Focus populations

Expanding on the focus cause areas, we also give priority to nonprofits that serve one of the below populations in your community.

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Investing in youth with priority given to mentoring and afterschool programs for youth within the previously mentioned program types.
IA Community Giving Report 12

Low-income families and individuals

Supporting organizations and programs that create opportunities for self-sufficiency for low-income or homeless individuals and families.
IA Community Giving Report 15

People of all abilities

Priority goes to organizations that serve people with disabilities as well as programs and projects that promote their inclusion.
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The following types of individuals, activities, and organizations are not eligible to receive a Make More Happen Award donation

  1. Individuals, including requests for scholarship or fellowship assistance
  2. For-profit entities, including small businesses
  3. Political, labor or fraternal organizations and activities
  4. Religious organizations without a secular community designation
  5. Athletic activities that do not serve one of the above focus causes or populations
  6. Hospitals, although programs that are separate from, but active within a hospital may be eligible
  7. Promotional and marketing activities or merchandise
  8. Individual schools, charter schools, private schools and parent-teacher associations
  9. Endowments
  10. Trips, tours and transportation
  11. Foundations that are primarily grant-making agencies
  12. Conferences or forums
  13. Nonprofit organizations that have not received recognition from the IRS of their tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3