Compassion in times of crisis

548 Votes
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When an individual or family in or around Farmers Branch, Texas, experiences a crisis, Metrocrest Services is there to help. The nonprofit provides food, financial assistance and other vital services to help those in immediate need stabilize their situation, and then get on a path to self-sufficiency and a brighter future. If the nonprofit reaches 500 votes, the $5,000 donation they’ve already earned doubles to $10,000!

A holistic, long-term approach

Many Americans walk a tightrope between poverty and prosperity. A sudden layoff, illness or loss of a family member can cause a financial crisis that can be difficult to escape without assistance. Metrocrest Services provides hope and relief to people in their area experiencing such hardships.

Formed in 1971, the nonprofit offers a comprehensive bundle of services to help pull people out of poverty. This assistance takes many forms. The organization helps seniors age in place, offers employment resources, feeds kids in need, provides housing security for individuals and families and more.

The organization also works to remove the stigma associated with asking for help by providing a safe, supportive place that people can turn to without judgement. In 2021, the organization helped more than 25,000 people navigate through personal and family distress. Of those served, 60% were seeking assistance for the first time.


Compassion in times of crisis 3

“Metrocrest relies on the consistent help of volunteers like those from the Jeff Van Matre Insurance Agency,” said Rhonda Ross, Director of Development at Metrocrest Services. “The agency is an important part of the community fabric of support that allows us to serve those most in need.”

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“The agency is an important part of the community fabric of support that allows us to serve those most in need.”– Rhonda Ross, Director of Development, Metrocrest Services


Creating a path to self-sufficiency          

The staff of the Jeff Van Matre Insurance Agency has been supporting Metrocrest Services since 2017. The agency donates all funds raised from its referral program for one entire quarter each year, which Metrocrest uses to buy grocery items at a deep discount by partnering with large suppliers. The agency also organizes an annual food drive for the nonprofit’s pantry, and staff members regularly volunteer to sort food for a summer lunch program for kids as well as work at Metrocrest’s resale shop.

The agency also won a Make More Happen Award in 2018, which resulted in a $10,000 donation to Metrocrest.

“Metrocrest Services does so much to help our community,” said agency owner Jeff Van Matre. “We love their holistic approach of providing essential assistance during a crisis coupled with long-term support that helps people become self-sufficient again.”

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A small piece of the puzzle

“We’re proud to be a small piece of the puzzle that helps Metrocrest serve the greater good,” said Director of Marketing Angie Van Matre. “Delivering food to their pantry is always eye-opening for our team. We had no idea so many in our community were struggling until we saw it firsthand. Seeing is truly believing, and we want to be part of the solution.”

“We had no idea so many in our community were struggling until we saw it firsthand. Seeing is truly believing.”– Angie Van Matre, Director of Marketing, Jeff Van Matre Insurance Agency


Building a stronger community     

A $10,000 donation from Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance would help fill Metrocrest’s food pantry, their most-used service, and support its Sack Summer Hunger Program, which feeds children on a free or reduced meal plan while they are on summer break. Help the Jeff Van Matre Insurance Agency win another $5,000 for Metrocrest Services by cheering them on with a vote!

If your agency volunteers with a 501(c)3 nonprofit, learn how you can win a Make More Happen Award here.

548 Votes
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Margaret Colpa
2 years ago

Metrocrest Services is a very important organization who is able to help so many people in our community.

MaryJane Cross
2 years ago

I’ve seen the Metrocrest impact from the inside, as a volunteer. Seeing the clients faces and hearing their stories reinforces the impact the agency is making.

Donna Andrews
2 years ago

Metrocrest, awesome services from all associates. And thanks to Angie and Jeff for your gracious assistance to Metrocrest Services!

Donna Andrews
2 years ago

Thanks for all your kind help to our community

Donna Andrews
2 years ago

Way to go, Jeff and Angie

Cynthia Garner
2 years ago

Metrocrest is a wonderful asset to the community.

2 years ago

I love JVM Insurance!!

Yolanda Graciano
2 years ago

I want to vote

Nathan McGilvray
2 years ago

Metrocrest is an awesome organization that helps many families.

Rheann Miller
2 years ago

Go JVM Insurance!! It’s wonderful the things you do!

Patsy Russell
2 years ago

Metrocrest Services has been making a difference in our community for 50 years. Their outreach and impact during the recent pandemic was outstanding.

Leydi Fletes
2 years ago

Gracias por ayudar a la comunidad Dios les bendiga

Howard Townsend
2 years ago

Metrocrest Services is a great organization. It helps a lot of people in our community.

Alexandra O’Leary
2 years ago

Amazing work!

Jeff Breor
2 years ago

Great Agency – GREAT cause.

Kim Ready
2 years ago

Metocrest is such a wonderful organization! I love volunteering there and knowing I help make a small difference in my own community.

lina uribe
2 years ago

Gracias por ayudar con tanta vocacion

2 years ago


2 years ago

Siempre te reciben con mucho amor

Adam Polter
2 years ago

Thank y’all! Metrocrest Services is a phenomenal organization providing such critical services to our area residents.

2 years ago

Thanks JVM

2 years ago

Thanks to Safeco and Liberty Mutual!

2 years ago

JVM Ins is always helpful in the community.

2 years ago

Thank you Metrocrest for all you do. Iris and Rhonda are so nice.

Rhonda Ross
2 years ago

Way to go Metrocrest and thank you Jeff and team!

2 years ago

Thank you JVM!

Jeff M
2 years ago

Great job

2 years ago

Great organization!

Mike Harris
2 years ago

Thank you Jeff and Angie!

Jerry Song
2 years ago

Go JVM Insurance .

Mills Family
2 years ago

Good luck!

Dianne Fletcher
2 years ago

Good luck to the Best!!!

Louis manto
2 years ago

go jvm insurance!

Nick Manto
2 years ago


Amy Bowman
2 years ago

Hope you get there!!

Ashley Manto
2 years ago


Tony Twodollas
2 years ago


2 years ago

you have my vote!

2 years ago

Metrocrest Service does so much for so many!

2 years ago

Metrocrest Services relies on companies like this insurance for volunteers. Thank you,

2 years ago

Metrocrest Services does it all, for so many!

Alice Chien
2 years ago

Ok. I’m voting. Hope this works.

Lorena Ruiz
2 years ago

Ellos estuvieron allí cuando más los necesité cuando estaba por perder todo y no tenia donde vivir mis hijos y yo Dios los utilizo para que me dieran casa comida abrigo fue muy duro el año pasado y aún lo es pero Dios atraves de ellos me he sentido mucho mejor y mi familia y yo estamos a salvo los amo y muchas gracias

Lorena Ruiz
2 years ago

Me han ayudado mucho a mis hijos a mi esposo y a mi ellos simplemente son maravillosos los amo por todo lo que hacen por todas las personas para q estén bien

Lorena Ruiz
2 years ago

Lorena Ruiz

2 years ago

Metrocrest is such a vital part of our community !!!! Awesome job !!!

Judith L Holleman
2 years ago

Helps all

Judith L Holleman
2 years ago

couldn’t find a better agency when you need help.

Judith L Holleman
2 years ago

They help everyone.

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