The Richards Group 1
April winner

Feeding hope, feeding thousands

706 Votes
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Voting starts April 1, 2024

A 100% volunteer-driven fundraiser, Project Feed the Thousands has zero overhead costs. Everything donated goes toward helping purchase, store and distribute food to families in local communities.

Neighbors helping neighbors

In the small towns of southeastern Vermont and southwestern New Hampshire, Project Feed the Thousands directly supports nine local food shelves, uniting local residents, businesses, faith organizations and nonprofits to end hunger.

Food insecurity can affect anyone. Prices are rising faster than wages, and many are on a fixed income. Medical bills are adding up and are tougher to pay. Mental health challenges and substance use disorders can disrupt lives, adding to financial stress. If someone nearby is going hungry, Project Feed is working to make sure they know where their next meal is coming from.

“Project Feed not only helps food recipients, they also bring our community together in a way that nourishes us all.”

– Drew Richards, agency principal, The Richards Group

The Richards Group, an independent insurance agency deeply committed to giving back, has supported Project Feed since the nonprofit was founded over 30 years ago. “We rally behind causes that are close to our hearts,” explained Drew Richards, agency principal at TRG. “Project Feed not only helps food recipients, they also bring our community together in a way that nourishes us all.”

Because Project Feed is 100% volunteer-driven, with no paid employees, they rely on community partners like TRG. “The Richards Group are true community champions,” says Kelli Corbeil, board chair and president of Project Feed. “Their unwavering support helps Project Feed purchase, store and distribute food to local families in need.”


Evolving support

Project Feed runs its food drive campaign in the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. Tracey John, TRG employee and board member of Project Feed, organizes a variety of initiatives to engage both staff members and customers alike. In past years, potluck lunches were held where everyone who contributed a dish made a donation to the cause. Donation buckets have also been set up in TRG offices in most years for staff and community members to bring nonperishable food items. Agency staff would then bring the donations to Project Feed for distribution.

“The Richards Group are true community champions. Their unwavering support helps Project Feed purchase, store and distribute food to local families in need.”

– Kelli Corbeil, board chair and president, Project Feed the Thousands

With remote work becoming more prevalent now, TRG’s community support initiatives have evolved as well. In addition to donations of food or cash in the office during the holiday season, staff can make financial contributions online anytime.

Through its unwavering dedication to supporting nonprofits like Project Feed, The Richards Group exemplifies what it means to be an active member within the local communities they serve. And with support from TRG and other like-minded community members and businesses, Project Feed creates hope where there was once hunger.


Vote to end hunger

Your vote could help feed more people who would otherwise go hungry. Project Feed plans to evenly distribute funds from a Make More Happen award among the nine local foods shelves they directly support. This financial boost would enable these food shelves to bulk-purchase essential items, like canned meats and proteins, which struggling families often lack but greatly need.

Help The Richards Group win $10,000 for Project Feed the Thousands by clicking the vote button. Get them an extra vote by cheering them on in the comments below by April 30, 2024.

706 Votes
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Daniel MacNeil
3 months ago

Great job Richards Group!

Heather Barnard
3 months ago

I am proud to be part of an organization that truly cares about its community!

Rick Fleming
3 months ago

Great cause and a great Company!

Leah Walsh
3 months ago

Great work The Richards Group!

Dot Clark
3 months ago

Great Cause!

3 months ago

Love this!

Riley James Bowers
3 months ago

A great cause! Thanks TRG/Liberty

3 months ago

Way to go TRG! Appreciate Liberty Mutual & Safeco supporting our communities.

Janine Tadakowsky
3 months ago

Way to go TRG! Thank you Liberty Mutual & Safeco for this wonderful opportunity!

Drew Richards
3 months ago

Thank you Liberty/Safeco/The Richards Group!

Shannon Prescott
3 months ago

Love this!

Drew Bryenton
3 months ago

Great work! Go TRG!

Ben Taggard
3 months ago

Great cause! Well done Tracey!

Mark Richards
3 months ago

Great effort TRG…what a wonderful cause to support

Lindsay Simpson
3 months ago

I’m so proud to work for The Richards Group. This is a generous, community-connected company.

Frank Moran
3 months ago

Great work and cause, team! We’re all pulling for you and this great cause

Emily Phillips
3 months ago

Thank you Project Feed the Thousands, Safeco, Tracey, & TRG for supporting this important cause!

Jessica M Fleury
3 months ago

Thank you all for supporting a great cause!!

Amber Brown
3 months ago

Thank you to all who support this wonderful cause, Project Feed to Tracey and Safeco what an amazing partnership. Cheers to doubling that donation!!!

Melanie Howe
3 months ago

Awesome work Project Feed the Thousands, Safeco, Tracey and TRG!!!

Deb Bissell
3 months ago

Great organization, love the work you’re doing within the community!

Katie Wilder
3 months ago

Wonderful partnership!

Jessica Kain
3 months ago

YAY, Tracy, Safeco, and Project Feed!

Shawn Fitzgerald
3 months ago

Great cause and a great partner!

Jenna Clemishaw
3 months ago

Thank you, The Richards Group for supporting such a wonderful cause!!

3 months ago

Great story – you have my vote! Keep up the inspiring work!

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