I’m humbled to recap all the 2022 Agent Giving highlights as none of this would be possible without the agents and nonprofits who work tirelessly to help their community members most in need. Thank you to everyone involved this past year!
The Make More Happen Awards supported 31 local nonprofits across the country. Each agency and nonprofit featured this year has a unique story about helping their community in ways that only community members could. We’re proud to put our brand support and $10,000 behind each of them. See all the winners, like LeeAnn and Bob Ormsbee, in your region in the 2022 giving report.

Access Insurance Agency owners LeeAnn and Bob Ormsbee (right) met up with Safeco® Senior Territory Manager Jim Lawlor (left) to present the $10,000 Make More Happen Award check to Da’Laine Simpson, founder and CEO of Bro2Go.
We were fortunate to partner with the Big “I” to publish findings from the 2021 IA community engagement survey. It was incredible to see that 96% of the respondents in our survey said that they are giving time and/or money to a charity. This survey confirmed that Agent Giving is on the right track by celebrating the work you’re already doing and helping you do more. Visit our Community Spotlight: How and Why IAs Give Back for more findings including our 10 tips for how to boost your giving in 2023.
Agent Giving published an updated Community Giving Guide for independent agents. This publication is now (finally!) online and includes videos of agents sharing their strategies for giving back. Along with the agent videos, this guide is a compilation of the best practices we’ve learned from working with hundreds of charitable agents and their nonprofit partners. I hope you’ll click through, share it with a colleague and think about what more you can do for your community this year.
Here is a sample video from the guide, featuring past Make More Happen winners and overall community champions, McClain Insurance:
What’s up next?
The Make More Happen Awards are getting a refresh!
Once you’ve nominated a nonprofit and it has been approved, you’ll find that the full application is shorter and answer boxes now have word limits to help you gauge your answers. Before applying, however, make sure you review the application process and learn more about the program in the new online Make More Happen Awards guide and application.
While each of our 2022 Make More Happen awardees were successful in earning the full $10,000 donation, the voting mechanism wasn’t always user-friendly. Based on feedback from the 2022 winners, this year each Make More Happen story will have a simple vote button, making it easy for everyone in the community to show their support. Now participants can focus more on creative marketing to promote their nonprofit and less time explaining how to vote for them. Make sure to support all the 2023 Make More Happen winner features starting in April!
We also created a home for the outstanding local media coverage Make More Happen winners get, because it’s always fun to see our independent agent partners’ charity work in the news! Lastly, I’m excited for this new Agent Giving blog as a place to share IA industry news, insights from guest bloggers and more in-depth stories about agencies who are giving back. Because you have so many stories to share.
I look forward to working with you this year!
Alexis Holzer, Sr. Marketing Manager
Liberty Mutual & Safeco Insurance
Independent Agent Giving