Located in North Carolina, Dan Thompson Agency works with SAFEchild to prevent child abuse. They reached their goal of 500 votes and doubled their donation to reach $10,000.
Proud to be part of the solution
Dan Thompson, owner of Dan Thompson Agency, first got involved with SAFEchild sixteen years ago when his agency sponsored a bowling fundraiser event. In the years that followed, Thompson became a mentor for the Nurturing Group, which helps parents and their six- to eight-year-old children break cycles of violence within families. Other Dan Thompson Agency employees joined as SAFEchild mentors, too.
Through groups, classes and evaluation services, the organization serves parents within the community who may be court ordered for treatment or who are proactively seeking out resources to improve their children’s lives and their family home environment. “We’re proud to be part of the solution,” says Thompson. “SAFEchild works with families who are often in very stigmatized situations and offers them the support and guidance they need in order to grow and thrive.”
“SAFEchild works with families who are often in very stigmatized situations and offers them the support and guidance they need in order to grow and thrive.”
– Dan Thompson, owner of Dan Thompson Agency
Programs that work
SAFEchild, which stands for Stop Abuse for Every child, is Wake County’s leading voice for child abuse prevention and is the only organization in Wake County that offers a full range of child abuse prevention and intervention services to children and families at no cost. Annually, SAFEchild protects 13,000 children and empowers 2,000 caregivers with more than 20,000 hours of parent education.
Additionally, SAFEchild works in partnership with the Wake County Public School System to train more than 200 school counselors to present the Funny Tummy Feelings (FTF) program to approximately 12,000 first-grade students in 119 public elementary schools annually. The FTF program helps children understand how their emotions speak to them through their bodies and is an integral part of SAFEchild’s programming.
“I’m still there because of the children,” says Thompson, who also served on SAFEchild’s board of directors for three years. “Year after year, I’ve seen the results of what we do, whether in current groups or when I run into families from past groups. Some of the kids we’ve helped are now volunteers themselves.”
Supporting families through the pandemic
Although some of the programs have been implemented differently throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, SAFEchild’s engagement with caregivers and children has not been interrupted. The programs continue over Zoom and provide parents with much-needed support during this stressful time. As a follow-up from COVID disruptions during the last school year, an additional 12,000 second-grade students will receive the FTF program during the 2021-22 school year.
“Making sure we’re still supporting families through the pandemic has been top of mind for our organization,” said Cristin DeRonja, executive director of SAFEchild. “Dan Thompson Agency is a remarkable community partner who has loyally supported SAFEchild’s mission and whose involvement is an admirable example of why SAFEchild’s programs will prosper for years to come.”
“Dan Thompson Agency is a remarkable community partner who has loyally supported SAFEchild’s mission.”
– Cristin DeRonja, executive director at SAFEchild
A $10,000 donation from Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance would help fund the Nurturing Program, additional facilities and additional resources to help empower parents and protect children from harm. It would also allow SAFEchild to expand its FTF program into more schools across North Carolina. As Thompson notes, “there have already been many moments to celebrate, and the future holds many, many more.”
Great Job and inspiring involvement. Thank you for representing what independent agents should be for our communities!
This is awesome! Keep up the good work!
Great Job!
SAFEchild is a valuable resource for the families in Wake County! Thank you!
This is awesome!
A good friend of mine has volunteered with SAFEchild for years and from what she says I can tell it is a wonderful organization doing important work. I hope you get the grant!
Yes!! Go team
Thanks Dan for being a great community partner for this group.
Thanks for promoting such an amazing organization!!
Thanks so much for selecting Safechild as recipient organization! Vote!
Hey Dan, need any help? Wonderful initiative our kids always a great cause.
Good luck!
Dan has always been passionate about this organization.
Voting to continue your great work
Great work Dan!!
Wow Dan! This program is beyond amazing! You have my vote.
Super cool that Renee is incorporating yoga therepy! Great team!
That’s a truly good cause. That’s awesome Dan
Awesome work Dan & thank you!!!
Shared on LinkedIn!
Way to go, Dan! Keep up the great work!
Nice Work Dan O and Team.
awesome job Dan and team!
Amazing effort for the kids, Danny, as well as your team!
Just voted–very inspiring!
Vote!! This is awesome!
Thank you!! Your support of SAFEchild is appreciated and valued!
Proud to know Dan Thompson and the work the agency does with this organization!
Best Team in the Area !! By Far !!
What a great cause! VOTE!
Dan and his gang are great!
This is such an awesome program!!!
What a wonderful organization! Good luck guys!
Vote !
Keep p the great work! Children are so important
I’ve know Dan for more than a decade, he always does great things to help our community!
Great job ! thanks for all you do for our community
Great cause!