A place without judgment

524 Votes
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Happiness Bag is an educational and recreational facility for kids and adults experiencing intellectual and physical disabilities in the Wabash Valley. It’s a place where people can be themselves without judgment, enjoy physical activities, make some art and enjoy laughter with friends.

Epic Insurance Midwest has supported Happiness Bag since 2013, donating time, supplies and funding to help meet the needs of their shared community.

If this story receives 500 votes, the $5,000 donation Happiness Bag has already earned will double to $10,000.

For fifty years, Happiness Bag has offered services and programs that focus on the unique potential of each client — or “friend” — they serve. Through adult day programs, sports and other activities, friends can develop daily living and social skills in an inclusive, comfortable environment.


A place without judgment 1

Jana Crowder of Epic Insurance Midwest goes incognito as Sunny, the Happiness Bag mascot, to the delight of Happiness Bag friends.

Jana Crowder, account manager at Epic Insurance Midwest, has been volunteering at Happiness Bag since 2010 and joined the board of directors in 2013. Today she’s the board’s vice president, sits on the fundraising committee, and volunteers her time at various events. “I’ve seen first-hand how the programs at Happiness Bag benefit the participants,” she says. “Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn, grow and feel included in their community.”


“Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn, grow and feel included in their community.” – Jana Crowder, account manager, Epic Insurance Midwest


When she joined the agency in 2013, Jana enlisted the regional president to support Happiness Bag’s mission. Over the years, the agency and staff have supported the organization by sponsoring fundraisers, donating much-needed supplies and volunteering their time.

A growing need

Happiness Bag is the only facility of its kind in the Wabash Valley, and they’ve outgrown their current space. A larger, updated space would allow more friends to get the enrichment they need instead of sitting at home alone. An expansion plan is in the works.

A place without judgment 2

Epic agency staff and Happiness Bag friend Matthew were all smiles at the 2019 Bowl-a-Thon annual fundraiser.

“Our goal is to provide every individual the opportunity to encourage their unique potential, thus promoting independence and a lifestyle providing positive activities.” – Jodi Moan, executive director, Happiness Bag


Making recreation accessible

A place without judgment 3

The annual Bowl-a-Thon fundraiser is a fun way for the community to get involved with Happiness Bag.

A Make More Happen Award from Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance will allow Happiness Bag to move and expand their outdoor recreation area to serve more people. Funds may also be allocated toward updating adaptive equipment to provide safe activities for participants.

Help Epic Insurance Midwest win another $5,000 for Happiness Bag by cheering them on with a vote!

If your agency volunteers with a 501(c)3 nonprofit, learn how you can win a Make More Happen Award here.

524 Votes
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Theresa Cox
1 year ago

How did I not see this earlier! Happiness Bag is the best! We have a grandchild that attends activities there, as well as, several friends who have children and grandchildren who go there! It is definitely a needed place in this area!

1 year ago

Happiness. Bag is awesome. And care about each individual

1 year ago

Happiness. BagI

1 year ago

Happiness Bag is awesome and the staff is beyond words! The Wabash Valley is blessed to have a place like this for our special friends!

Tina L Dean
1 year ago

Great organization!!
You can do this Jana!!

Nicole Albright
1 year ago

This place is AMAZING!!! Just walking in will change your bad day to the best day! I remember when they were on 7th Street… seeing what Jodi has accomplished is a blessing to so many people. Thank you!

Laurielle Leslie
1 year ago

Happiness bag is such a great organization here in our community and they deserve all the recognition! Our community is severely lacking in resources and happiness bag has always been such a valuable resource for our special friends.

Jenn Sallas
1 year ago

Happiness Bag is a fabulous organization that does so much for the children and adults that attend. They build life long relationships here!

Mildred Cliver
1 year ago

This is a wonderful place where the friends can enjoy crafts, skills , games and just communicate with all their friends. Great place for all to be!!

Robert Fewell
1 year ago

They make it possible of these adults to live valuable lives

MaRanda Zanandrea
1 year ago

What an incredible and valuable establishment! With the most incredible and valuable people!

1 year ago

Happiness Bag is the best place around for our friends! Spending time with my friends always puts a smile on my face!

Margie Alexander
1 year ago

Happiness Bag is unique, wonderful, and a haven for so many.

Marilyn Mullikin
1 year ago

Awesome! Fantastic! Stupendous! Supercalifragilisticalidous!

Tammy Manley
1 year ago

Love Happiness Bag and all their fabulous employees!!

Jessica Wrigley
1 year ago

What an amazing organization!

1 year ago

Wonderful place and environment

Diane Evans
1 year ago

Happiness Bag is amazing! My Rose-Hulman class did a project with them during spring quarter. We learned so much from doing activities with Happiness Bag friends. I’m so glad that we spent time doing activities there and will continue to do so in the coming years. It was the best project that the class has ever participated in.

Marilyn Mullikin
1 year ago

Happiness Bag is very important to our community and the special friend in it.

Brian Hopton
2 years ago

This place ROCKS! 2ND TO NONE! It’s a great organization ran by absolutely wonderful people!

Keith Crawford
2 years ago

They do amazing things!!!

2 years ago

Fantastic organization for our community!

2 years ago

A truly wonderful place with truly wonderful people

Heather Keller
2 years ago

Happiness bag is an amazing place with even more amazing people!

2 years ago

Happiness Bag is great

Kim C.
2 years ago

Happiness Bag is amazing

2 years ago

Everyone is a friend at Happiness Bag! Love this organization!

2 years ago

Happiness bag is truly the happiest place to be

2 years ago

Such a great place. This new space would we so good for them.

Lukas Wiedemann
2 years ago

We appreciate you! -JOH trans-america route

Mary Huffman
2 years ago

Provides our friends with the socialization, friendship and love they deserve. A safe haven for them where they are valued and loved for who they try are.

Nicholas Colegrove
2 years ago

God Bless this place and the lovely people!

2 years ago

Love this place! The amazing staff make this a fun place to be! Thanks Happiness Bag!

Jessica Wrigley
2 years ago

Amazing work!

Linda Zellers-Dickson
2 years ago

love this place!!!! my son went there. they are so good with the special needs!!

Elizabeth Chambers
2 years ago

Happiness bag is a great place! There is such a good atmosphere and management cares so much for the friends!

Marilyn Mullikin
2 years ago

This is a great organization for are special friends. I don’t know what Terre Haute would do without this organization. ❤️

2 years ago

Happiness Bag helps so many people, & it would be awesome if they had more space to help even more people!

Lori Logan
2 years ago

I’m thrilled that this organization is doing so much for everyone. Thanks to the amazing volunteers and staff for all that they do as well.

Joyce Stamper
2 years ago

Happiness Bag is an amazing place.

2 years ago

The Happiness Bag is such a great organization!!

2 years ago

We love Happiness Bag

2 years ago

Happiness Bag is amazing!

2 years ago

Happiness Bag is the greatest

Margie Petersen
2 years ago

Happiness Bag is amazing!

Darla Austin
2 years ago

Best job I have ever had!

2 years ago

Happiness Bag definitely deserves all the votes

Kayla C
2 years ago

Awesome mission! Let’s go EPIC!

2 years ago

Love this story! Great job, team!

Maria Bonilla-Thompson
2 years ago

They are a great place for people to grow and learn

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