Ending period poverty

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Grace Upon Grace Project provides underserved people and families in northern Colorado with diapers, wipes and menstrual products.

Fort Collins Insurance in Fort Collins, Colorado found a compelling cause in the Grace Upon Grace Project. This organization provides supplies to Coloradoans in need, with a particular focus on aiming to end period poverty – the lack of access to menstrual products and education that is common in underserved communities.

Ending period poverty 8

A necessary cause rarely offered the spotlight

Fort Collins Insurance was drawn to this cause because it’s one that is rarely discussed, despite many people in northern Colorado alone experiencing period poverty on a consistent basis. Grace Upon Grace Project works with schools and other agencies in the area to provide free period kits, ensuring no one uses inadequate menstrual products that could cause infection or misses school due to lack of access to quality menstrual products. Fort Collins Insurance has helped to assemble these kits themselves.

Ending period poverty 6
Kevin Schmidt, Melissa Mendez and Jackie Jackson with 40 finished period kits, complete with encouraging messages on each package.

Overflowing with donations

When Fort Collins Insurance set up a donation drive in February 2022, they collected menstrual products, diapers and baby wipes for donations to schools and underserved families in the community. “No one should miss work or school due to a period,” said Jackie Jackson, managing director at Fort Collins Insurance. “No parent should worry about diapering their child.”

“No one should miss work or school due to a period. No parent should worry about diapering their child.”

—Jackie Jackson, managing director of Fort Collins Insurance

Before the end of February, thanks to community outreach and efforts to spread the word on social media, the bin was literally overflowing with donations. From there, the team assembled kits to donate to classrooms and the community at large.


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Ryan Jackson, Kevin Schmidt and Melissa Mendez separate the tampons, panty liners and pads for each period kit prepared for Grace Upon Grace Project.

Furthering a cause with an encouraging future

The folks at Fort Collins Insurance plan to continue their work with Grace Upon Grace Project. They contribute donations each month, share information about the cause regularly on social media and plan to hold future donation drives and period kit parties to help collect and distribute supplies to those in need.

Grace Upon Grace Project is pleased to have their support in furthering their cause. “Grace Upon Grace Project is about ensuring that members of our community have access to the diapers and period products they require to be healthy and thrive,” said organization president Emily Jorgenson. “We are about more than just products though. We are about grace, hope and dignity.”

“We are about more than just products though. We are about grace, hope and dignity.”

—Emily Jorgenson, president of Grace Upon Grace Project


The 2022 Make More Happen Award would include a donation of $5,000 from Liberty Mutual and Safeco on behalf of Fort Collins Insurance. Among other things, this would allow Grace Upon Grace Project to kickstart their program for northern Colorado schools, which is intended to provide three-month period kits to students experiencing chronic period poverty, partnering with nurses and health aides across multiple school districts to ensure menstrual products are readily available.

Help Fort Collins Insurance win $5,000 for Grace Upon Grace Project by cheering them on with a vote!

If your agency volunteers with a 501(c)3 nonprofit, learn how you can win a Make More Happen Award here.

529 Votes
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Lisa Fox
2 years ago

I have been involved with New Visions for 10 years. They have selfless staff, committed leadership and meet everyone as they wre. Asking what happened to you, instead of what’s wrong with you?

Nancy Schulze
2 years ago

Proud to support the work of New Visions!

2 years ago

Nice work!!!

Tom Phillips
2 years ago

Great cause

2 years ago

Amazing work, Team!!

2 years ago

This is why you choose small local family run business!

2 years ago

So deserving of this.

2 years ago

Thank you so much for supporting this amazing organization!!

Amy Tallent
2 years ago

Voting for Grace Upon Grace!

Liston's Lynx
2 years ago


Paul Striker
2 years ago

Thanks for all you do.

Susan B
2 years ago

Great cause to support!

2 years ago

Grace Upon Grace Project is all about community impact!

Katherine Brooks
2 years ago

Grace upon Grace is an amazing organization supporting an important cause.

Ryan Smith
2 years ago

Awesome Agency doing good for Coloradans

2 years ago

A great business doing great things to support the community. Great job guys!

2 years ago

Let’s keep the support rolling in! SOOOO CLOSE GREAT JOB GUYS!!!

Brenda D'Onofrio
2 years ago

Your mission is incredible and our community is so blessed to have you!

2 years ago

What a great family owned small business!!! I love you give back to the community and care so much! GO FORT COLLINS INSURANCE!!! LETS GOOOOOO

Yulia Ross
2 years ago

Let’s get this money doubled! Great job Fort Collins Insurance!!!

2 years ago


Megan Salazar
2 years ago

Yay! This would be amazing for them and so many others.

Jackson J
2 years ago

Let’s go!!!!!!

Karen C
2 years ago

Fort Collins Insurance is amazing!! Let’s go!!!

Wanda B
2 years ago


2 years ago

My grand daughters heart for other people I’m so proud of. Go Fort Collins and let’s help these people!

Sarah Williams
2 years ago

What a wonderful cause!

Carol Yorkison
2 years ago

Way to go Ft collins insurance

Benjamin Hamilton
2 years ago

For Ft. Collins Insurance

2 years ago

Almost there! Lets keep up the momentum!

Willie Austin
2 years ago

Let’s help end homelessness!

Stephanie Weis
2 years ago

What a great cause!!

2 years ago

What an awesome cause!

2 years ago

Awesome cause!

Jill Skoglund
2 years ago

Love you GUGP!

2 years ago

Love this non-profits cause!

2 years ago

It’s so wonderful to see a small business giving back to their community!

2 years ago

This is so awesome. Go Fort Collins insurance!!

2 years ago

Thank you for making a difference in the community, FCI!

2 years ago

This is amazing! Good work guys!

2 years ago

Fort Collins Insurance!

2 years ago

Great cause! Nice work guys!

2 years ago

Especially important for teenage girls who are too shy or embarrassed to ask for such things when there is no money in the family to buy them

2 years ago

Bravo! What a life changing effort.

2 years ago

Let’s go!!!

2 years ago

Love this mission to give women tools to feel empowered and free!

Jan Frame
2 years ago

A cause not spoken about however so needed in reality

2 years ago

Yes! What wonderful organizations making an impact in a big way!

2 years ago

Wow! This is amazing!

2 years ago

Woooooohoooo let’s go GRACE UPON GRACE and foco insurance!!

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